
Qr Scanner | Qr Scanner Code android


                                                        Qr Scanner


I'm going to tell you exactly what a QR code is and how you can use them and how they actually work from an end user's standpoint. What QR code stands for is Quick Response, so QR code.

What it is it's very similar to a bar code. We're all familiar with we go to the grocery store and the cashier scans an item through, and it picks up the bar code on a particular item. 

Now those are all done, the Universal Product Code is what it stands for. A QR code is a little bit more versatile, and it allows you to store essentially any kind of information that you like. I would put these things on business cards, table tents if you're in restaurants, brochures, even on product material. 

You'll start to see a lot of things, a lot of many other materials have these codes on them. What I can do here is I'm going to take an application that I've downloaded from the App Store, and that was free. This one's called Qr Scanner or something like that. 

Qr scanner

There's a whole pile of them, and they're all free. I've got the app running here, and I'm going to simply scan the bottom one here.

I've got one here just called QR Scanner. Let's just say I see a billboard or I see a brochure, and rather than sitting fumbling with typing a web address in, I'm simply going to scan it. So I'm going to scan this one here.


Get the light out of the background, and automatically I am now going to the Freedom Target website. Now it's very important, though, that this QR Scanner, if they're going to take somebody to a website, that it takes them to a mobile-optimized website. 

Just sending somebody to your page, if you're using Blackberrys, Androids, iPhones, very small screens and it becomes a pain to navigate.

A small tip there for QR codes when landing on a page. There's a new condo development here in my area, and they've got a big sign out front. I'm talking a big, huge, huge, huge billboard, and right at the near bottom of it is quite a large QR code.

qr scanner app

If I was walking by and I wanted to find out more information, rather than pulling my phone out, trying to open up the browser. You can also do a number of things like put address information, you can send text messages and email messages. 

There are a number of different uses of it, but it really depends on the application that you have about whether it will understand what to do with the text.

If you're going to use these, make sure they're big enough so that they can be picked up by the camera. I've seen a few instances where the printed QR Barcode was too small, and when it's too small, you sit there fumbling, fumbling. 

Literally, 30 seconds had gone by, and I really wanted to see what was on the other end of this, but most people would not give it 30 seconds. So 30 seconds had gone by, and it hadn't scanned. If it had been printed a little bit bigger, it would have scanned very quickly.

qr scanner app

There's more information on my blog about QR Scanner, mobile marketing, general marketing, and if you just Google "QR codes," there are countless, countless sites available, tools to generate the codes, and you simply print them and do whatever you like with those codes. 

I simply generated those two images, I downloaded them, I've printed them, I throw them in a 
name tent, and now, if this were something like a restaurant.

  1. QR scanner app
  2. QR scanner app free
  3. free QR scanner app
  4. android QR scanner app
  5. QR scanner app android
  6. QR scanner app for android

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